
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In the Chaozhou region of the Kingdom of Western Xia, there was the Xia household.

Well-ornamented beams and rafters contributed to the elegant and grand manor. Amidst artificial hills and running streams, outside the resplendent main hall of the Xia family,

"Decree from the Emperor: Xia Jin, the legitimate daughter of the Xia family, she who possesses a noble quality and a gentle heart, virtuous, graceful, and docile, is granted the honor of becoming Crown Prince Helian Gan's primary consort. A day shall be chosen for the wedding. This is the Emperor's will."

The shrill voice of the eunuch echoed through the household, among the chirping birds and blooming flowers. Every member of the Xia family dropped to their knees.

"Father, I refuse to become the Crown Prince's wife, I don't want to!"

The eunuch had barely left when Xia Jin, who was now betrothed, began her tearful complaining. Dressed in simple yet elegant attire, her beauty stunning, a national beauty. Her tear-streaked face was a picture of sadness that hurt to look upon.

"Master, is not marrying our Xia Jin to that cold-blooded and ugly Crown Prince the equivalent of taking her life? Please think of something, Master!" Ji Yun, the lady of the Xia family, with her well-maintained features and silk-embroidered gown, retained her elegance. She furrowed her brows and comforted Xia Jin by patting her back.

Xia Jin was her only daughter. How could she stand by and watch her leap into a pit of fire?

"What can I possibly do? This is an imperial edict," Xia YiYang sighed, his face etched with worry. He would be the last to want his daughter married to a demon who doesn’t blink an eye while taking a life for this will doom her happiness for life.

"All of this is your fault! Had you not accepted that secret order, the Emperor shouldn't have issued such an edict!" Ji Yun, with concern for her daughter causing her head to heat, tremblingly pointed a finger at Xia YiYang, her face full of blame, blaming him with an aggrieved voice.

Before the words had even left her mouth, everyone present became tense.

"Ignorant woman, keep your mouth shut!" Xia YiYang reprimanded in fright. Just when the Kingdom of Western Xia had settled, the Emperor sent a secret order, which led him to Chaozhou, with the objective of finding an opportunity to help the Emperor reduce power of the vassals. This was confidential, and now that Ji Yun had shouted it out, how could he not be scared?

"If you wish to die now, then continue shouting!" Xia YiYang warned sternly, his face as dark as thunder.

Ji Yun obviously understood the gravity of the situation, regretting her words. For her daughter's happiness, she sobbed uncontrollably: "My poor daughter——"

With Ji Yun’s words, Xia Jin’s crying intensified, large teardrops streaming down her face. Her eyes swimming in tears, she choked: "I would rather die than marry Helian Gan. If Father truly feels for me, give me a dagger right now. I will end my life, not to suffer a fate worse than death thereafter."

"Jin'er, what nonsense are you talking about? Even if it costs me my life, I would not let you risk your own!" Ji Yun cried out, and the two once again succumbed to intense sobbing.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

At that moment, someone knocked outside urgently. Head pounding, Xia Yiyang was stressed even further by the sound, his mind in tumult. Irritably, he yelled, "Leave me alone!"

The knocking ceased for a moment, then a faint voice came, "Father... it's me, Xin Yue."

Hearing this, Xia Yiyang frowned and replied angrily, "I have no time to waste on you right now."

The voice fell silent momentarily, then spoke again, "Father, I may have a solution that will prevent big sister from having to marry Prince Qian..."

Everyone inside the room was startled. Doubting, yet curious, Xia Yiyang made his way towards the door and opened it, revealing a fifteen-year-old girl, tender-faced and elegant, wearing a green gauze gown. She bowed her head timidly, not daring to meet his gaze, and her trembling eyelashes revealed her anxiety.

The girl was none other than Gong Xin Yue, Xia Yiyang’s daughter borne by his concubine, and she wasn't favored at all.

"Do you really have a plan to save Jin'er from marrying Prince Qian?" Xia Yiyang asked sternly. He had always been impatient with this daughter of his, and if it were not for her mother's death, he would never have brought her into his own home.

"What could she possibly do! She’s here to mock us! Get out! Now!" The moment Ji Yun saw Gong Xin Yue, rage consumed her, and she lashed out fiercely.

The mere thought of Gong Xin Yue's dead mother filled Ji Yun with resentment, a resentment that hadn’t faded over many years, leading to her disapproving attitude towards Gong Xin Yue.

"Mother, don't be like this." Xia Jin quickly blocked Ji Yun and quietly consoled her while wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she asked, "Xin Yue, do you really have a plan?"

Upon seeing Xia Jin's look, Gong Xin Yue timidly nodded her head. Xia Jin quickly moved closer, grabbed Gong Xin Yue's hand, and asked anxiously, "Xin Yue, tell us quickly, what's your plan?"

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